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How to fix misaligned teeth


How to fix misaligned teeth

How to fix misaligned teeth?

Do you suffer from misaligned teeth? This is a very common problem faced by many people.

This problem causes your teeth to appear inconsistent, which leads to the following:

  1.  It affects the beauty of your smile.
  2.  Loss of self-confidence.
  3. You feel embarrassed while talking to others.

So, if you want to know the causes of misaligned teeth and the latest techniques for treating them, follow this article with me.


Also known as malocclusion, this is a condition in which your upper and lower teeth don’t fit together properly when you close your mouth.

If left untreated, this can lead to oral health complications, such as:

  •  Tooth decay. Gum disease.
  •  Difficulty chewing.
  •  Teeth breaking due to inappropriate pressure.
  • Speech problems.

Most cases of misaligned teeth are caused by genetic factors, so if one of your parents has this problem, you may be at increased risk of developing it.

Causes of misaligned teeth

Before you ask yourself how to fix misaligned teeth, you should know what caused the problem.

Misaligned teeth are caused by crowding, or teeth that are too large for your mouth. Many habits and conditions can lead to this problem, such as:

  1.  Genetics.
  2. Thumb sucking.
  3.  Prolonged use of a pacifier.
  4.  Harelip.
  5.  Prolonged use of baby bottles in early childhood.
  6.  Cleft palate.
  7.  Crowns, fillings, or bridges.
  8.  Gum disease. Mouth breathing.
  9.  Tumor tumors of the mouth and jaw.
  10.  Temporomandibular joint disorder.
  11. Congenital jaw deformities, or injuries

Symptoms of misaligned teeth

Symptoms of misaligned teeth range from mild to severe and include:

  •  Biting of the cheeks.
  •  Difficulty chewing food.
  •  Breathing through the mouth.
  •  Speech problems.
  •  Biting of the tongue.
  •  Affecting the aesthetic appearance of the face.
  • Tooth erosion.
  • Jaw pain.
  •  Difficulty cleaning teeth.

Types of misaligned teeth

This problem is divided into five types, including the following:

  1. Crossbite:  

This condition results from the teeth not occluding properly when the mouth is closed, as some of the upper teeth fall behind the lower teeth.

  1. Overbite:

Also known as a deep bite, it occurs because the teeth of your upper jaw overlap your lower teeth more than they should, and directly touch the gums.

  1. Crowding of teeth:

This occurs because there is not enough space in your jaw to accommodate all of your teeth properly, and thus your new teeth grow in crowd with your other teeth.

  1. Open bite:

This occurs because your upper front teeth do not touch your lower front teeth, leading to a gap between the upper and lower teeth even when your mouth is closed.

  1.  Underbite:

Also known as an anterior reverse bite, this condition results from your lower teeth coming forward than your upper teeth when your mouth is closed.

How to fix misaligned teeth?

Misaligned teeth are not a permanent condition, and there are many different ways to treat them.

Treatment methods aim to correct the position of the teeth and maintain oral health.

Treatment methods include:

  •  Metal braces:

Metal braces are one of the most common and effective treatments for correcting misalignment. They consist of metal brackets and wires that tighten the teeth and move them into the correct position.

  • Clear aligners:

Clear aligners are a modern and effective alternative to braces. The braces are made of transparent plastic molds that cannot be noticed according to the size of your teeth structure that the doctor takes.

These aligners can be removed at any time, including while eating and cleaning your teeth.

However, you must wear clear aligners for 22 hours a day. The dentist recommends changing them every two weeks to achieve the best results.

These aligners offers many benefits for treating misaligned teeth, including:

  1.  Aesthetic appearance.
  2.  Comfort.
  3. Ease of use.
  4.  Reduced visits to the dentist.
  5.  Clear aligners are faster than traditional braces in achieving the desired results.
  6. Improved gum health, due to the ease of cleaning the teeth.
  • Dental Implants:

You can replace your crooked or broken teeth with implants to get your teeth aligned properly.

  • Tooth Extraction:

It may be necessary to remove one or more teeth to allow the remaining teeth to move into their proper position.

  • Surgery:

Your doctor may recommend surgery to correct jaw problems and deformities.

Frequently Asked Questions About Misaligned Teeth

If you have misaligned teeth, you may have many questions in your mind, such as:

Can misaligned teeth cause TMJ?

Yes, misaligned teeth can lead to TMJ disorder. Malalignment can cause uneven bite force distribution, which puts excessive stress on the TMJ and surrounding muscles, resulting in pain and dysfunction.

How do you prevent tooth misalignment?

If misalignment is caused by genetic factors, it cannot be prevented. But if it is caused by environmental factors, you can reduce the risk of developing it by:

  1.  Paying attention to oral hygiene.
  2.  Undergoing a dental implant procedure to replace broken or missing teeth.

To reduce the risk of your child developing this problem, you can prevent him from the following:

  1. Thumb sucking.
  2. Using a bottle.
  3.  Pacifier for a long time.

How do I know if I have misaligned teeth?

Many signs may indicate that you have misalignment, such as:

  •  Headaches.
  •  Missing teeth.
  •  Broken teeth.
  •  Difficulty chewing.
  • Speech problems.

What are the degrees of dental misalignment?

Misalignment can be classified according to the relationship of the upper and lower teeth into the following:

  1.  Class I:

This is the most common type and occurs when the bite is normal between the molars, but there are other problems with the teeth alignment, such as spacing or crowding.

  1.  Class II:

In this type, your upper teeth protrude in front of your lower teeth.

  1.  Class III:

This is known as an underbite, where your lower teeth protrude in front of your upper teeth.


In conclusion, dear reader, you now understand what misaligned teeth is, what its symptoms are, and what its causes are.

You also understand the different ways to treat this problem, and you learned about the benefits of clear aligners in treating misalignment.

We answered some questions that may be on your mind regarding this problem.


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